Church Center Access
Logging Into Church Center
Via online browser:
- Go to gbcfw.churchcenter.com
- Click Log in.
- Enter either a mobile phone number or email address and click Next.
- Enter the code sent to your phone or email and click Next.
- If your information is in the system, it will recognize you and allow you to verify it is you.
Via the app:
- Open the Church Center App on your phone
- If you need to download and install the mobile app use the following links (iOS App Store) (Google Play)
- If installing for the first time, select Grace Baptist Church as your church by searching for it and selecting it.
- Click Log in.
- Enter either a mobile phone number or email address and click Next.
- Enter the code sent to your phone or email and click Next.
- If your information is in the system, it will recognize you and allow you to verify it is you.
- If your device allows it, you can enable biometric authentication in order to use your fingerprint or face id to log in.
- Open the Church Center App on your phone
Updating Your Profile Information
On the website:
- Go to Profile in the top right hand corner.
- Click the Edit button.
- To edit or add contact information:
- Change or add a phone number, email, or mailing address.
- Make sure to click the Save Changes button.
- To edit or add your photo:
- Click the pencil icon by your name.
- Upload the photo you would like to be your profile photo.
- Make sure to click the Save Changes button.
- To edit or add contact information:
On the app:
- Select the circle in the upper right hand corner with your picture or initials on it.
- Tap on your name.
- Change or add a phone number, email, or mailing address.
- Tap on Update Photo to change the profile picture.
- Be sure to hit Update in the upper right hand corner when you’re done.
Setup Your Giving
On the website:
- Go to Give.
- Type the amount of gift.
- Select the correct Fund.
- Select Frequency.
- Select Payment Method
- Connecting your bank account to use for your gift is a small flat fee to the church.
- Using a debit or credit card to for your gift is a larger percentage fee to the church.
- With either selection you can choose to pay the fee to the church if you wish. .
- Click Give amount button
On the app:
- Go to Give at the bottom of the screen next to Home.
- Type the amount of gift.
- Select the correct Fund.
- Select Frequency.
- Select Payment Method.
- Connecting your bank account to use for your gift is a small flat fee to the church.
- Using a debit or credit card to for your gift is a larger percentage fee to the church.
- With either selection you can choose to pay the fee to the church if you wish. .
- Click Give amount button
*If you are setting up a recurring gift please go cancel your recurring giving with CCB. https://gbcfw.ccbchurch.com/give_detail.php